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Chakras Tarot reading

Chakras Tarot reading

Regular price €35,00 EUR
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Discover the Speed Tarot of the 7 Chakras: Fast and powerful guidance to harmonize your energy.

Treat yourself to a unique experience with our 7 Chakras Speed Tarot, designed to rebalance your energy centers in just a few minutes. This exclusive tarot reading allows you to instantly identify the chakra that needs your attention and guides you towards inner harmony.

Why choose our 7 Chakras Speed Tarot?

  • Simplicity and Effectiveness : With only 7 cards, quickly access deep insights into your current energetic state.
  • Spot the Signs of Imbalance : Fatigue, stress, lack of confidence, communication difficulties or emotional blockages can be signs that one of your chakras is out of balance. This draw helps you identify them and remedy them.
  • Personalized Guidance : Each card reveals a unique, targeted message, helping you restore balance where you need it most.
  • Complete Resources : For more information, receive a detailed 17-page PDF and accompanying audio. These resources provide an in-depth explanation of each card drawn, as well as practical tips for aligning and strengthening your chakras.

What you will receive:

  1. A 17-page PDF : Dive into the meanings of the cards and discover how each chakra influences your overall well-being.
  2. An Explanatory Audio : Let yourself be guided by a clear and soothing explanation that helps you understand and integrate the messages received.

Why wait to regain your balance?
Book your 7 Chakras Speed Tarot session now and begin your journey towards a more aligned and harmonious life.

Each card represents a chakra, with key themes and associated messages.

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) :

    • Theme : Security, Stability, Anchoring
    • Message : "You are safe, anchored in material reality. Take care of your body and build a solid foundation."
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) :

    • Theme : Creativity, Emotions, Pleasure
    • Message : "Listen to your emotions and let your creativity flourish. Allow yourself to feel and enjoy life."
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) :

    • Theme : Personal Power, Willpower, Self-Confidence
    • Message : “Assert your personal power and act with confidence. You have the inner strength to achieve your ambitions.”
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) :

    • Theme : Love, Compassion, Harmony
    • Message : "Open your heart to love and compassion. Harmony is found in giving and receiving love."
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) :

    • Theme : Communication, Truth, Expression
    • Message : “Express yourself honestly and fearlessly. Truth and authenticity are your allies.”
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) :

    • Theme : Intuition, Clarity, Inner Vision
    • Message : "Trust your intuition and seek the truth within. Your vision is clear and profound."
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) :

    • Theme : Spirituality, Divine Connection, Universal Consciousness
    • Message : "You are connected to the divine and the universe. Raise your consciousness and open yourself to a higher understanding."
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