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Sage Chakra

Sage Chakra

Regular price €12,00 EUR
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Sage is a sacred plant used for centuries to purify spaces, objects and eliminate negative energies.

It is traditionally used in purification and energetic cleansing rituals to eliminate negative energies, unwanted influences and restore harmony in living spaces.

This sage is wrapped in 7 dried flowers, each representing one of the chakras, thus giving a symbolic value to the plant. The chakras included are:

  1. Crown Chakra (Spiritual awareness: I understand)
  2. Frontal Chakra (Intuition: I see)
  3. Throat Chakra (Communication: I say)
  4. Heart Chakra (Emotions: I like)
  5. Solar Plexus Chakra (Will: I do)
  6. Sacral Chakra (Creativity: I feel)
  7. Root Chakra (Anchor: I am)

This combination of sage and rose petals creates a synergy that promotes balance and harmony of the chakras , thus contributing to a better spiritual and energetic connection.


  1. Energy purification
  2. Cleaning of spaces
  3. Harmonization of energies
  4. Clarity of the mind
  5. Spiritual protection
  6. Purification of objects
  7. Stress reduction
  8. Celebration and ritual

How to use it:

  1. Define your purification goals. (example: I want to purify my rose quartz stone/ Tarot decks/ my mood/ my apartment or house or room, etc etc)
  2. Light the sage using a match or lighter.
  3. Blow gently on the flame to extinguish it. (Use a suitable container underneath for safety so that there is no hot ash that could fall onto the ground or furniture)
  4. Hold the sage stick in one hand and use the other hand to disperse the smoke.
  5. Let the smoke of the sage waft through your space.
  6. Place the ashes in a suitable container, such as an abalone shell.
  7. Once the purification ritual is finished, open the windows to ventilate.

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